Orthopedic Foot And Ankle Care Services

Foot and ankle pain can limit your ability to enjoy life to the fullest. We want to help you overcome your pain, resume an active lifestyle, and improve your quality of life.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Not all conditions affecting feet and ankles require surgery. Hammertoe, bunions, and ingrown toenails, for example, are often treatable without surgery. Regardless of your condition, you can be sure your physician will first consider non-surgical options to relieve your pain.

Non-surgical treatment options may include:

In some cases, non-surgical interventions may not be effective, so surgery may be your best option.

Foot And Ankle Surgery

If you and your physician determine that surgery is best for you, you can rest assured you’ll receive advanced care from our experienced foot and ankle specialists. Your entire care team will ensure the comfort of you and your family during and after your procedure.

Following surgery our experienced rehabilitation teams will work with you closely to get you back on your feet. They’ll also ensure that your rehabilitation continues after you’re discharged and until your recovery is complete.

When Is Surgery Recommended?

Some of the most common conditions that lead to foot or ankle surgery are:

  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Ankle instability
  • Arthritis
  • Deformity of the forefront and toes
  • Infection
  • Damage to the cartilage or bone
  • Torn or inflamed tendons
  • Recurrent ankle sprains

Cartiva® Synthetic Cartilage Implant

In arthritis of the big toe, the cartilage tissue of the big toe joint wears down, causing pain. In certain situations, arthritis of the big toe can be treated surgically with the Cartiva® Synthetic Cartilage Implant. The implant replaces the damaged cartilage surface of the big toe. A Premier Health orthopedic surgeon was the first in Ohio to perform this procedure.

Total Ankle Replacement

Total ankle replacement or ankle arthroplasty is a surgical procedure involving resurfacing the end of the shin bone (tibia) and the lower bone of the ankle (talus) and replacing it with an artificial implant.

Ankle Fusion

Ankle fusion or ankle arthrodesis is a procedure  that fastens together the damaged ankle bones with metal plates and screws. During the healing process, the bones fuse together.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

In some cases, minimally invasive surgical options, including arthroscopy, may be available. Such options enable your surgeon to inspect, diagnose, and repair problems inside your ankle or foot with just a few small incisions.

In these procedures your surgeon inserts a tiny camera, called an arthroscope, into your foot or ankle through a small incision. The camera displays pictures on a television screen, and your surgeon uses these images to guide surgical instruments through other small incisions to make the necessary repairs.

Minimally invasive procedures typically have important benefits:

  • Less pain
  • Faster recovery
  • Less scarring
  • Less blood loss


Contact Us

Our specialists are ready to help you get back to the things that matter most in your life.  Find a provider near youconsult our list of related practices, or find an orthopedic physical therapist near you.

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